1. You are the product. Package yourself to sell.
2. Rework your resume to showcase your strengths. Market yourself.
3. Be flexible! Show adaptability and learn new skills. Your old job may never return.
4. Your self-esteem has taken a beating by unemployment. Don't let that show in an interview.
5. Be positive and demonstrate a good attitude. There is enough negativity at work already.
6. Don't talk about the bad work environment of your previous job. Focus on successes.
7. The day to day grind of unemployment can be draining. Set small attainable goals each day.
8. Be kind to yourself. You're going to have tough days emotionally. One day at a time.
9. Set a daily schedule. You must structure your own time. It will build confidence and order.
10. Take care of your whole self: emotional/physical/spiritual. RED=Rest, Exercise, Diet.
11. Develop and rely on friendships. Build each other up. Encourage each other. Listen.
12. Depression is probably inevitable, and sucks energy. Get help. See a professional if needed.
"If the pink slip doesn't fit,
get redressed!"
Click to see my wardrobe of remedies.
From: Job Stress & Unemployment... by Dr Batya L Ludman
Source: Jerusalem Post, 7/6/2001.
Via: HighBeam™ Research
"If the pink slip doesn't fit,
get redressed!"